Comparison of Learning Outcomes Between the Merdeka Curriculum and the 2013 Curriculum in Pancasila and Citizenship Education Subjects at the Junior High School Level
This study aims to determine the learning outcomes of Civics subjects from different curricula, namely the independent curriculum and the 2013 curriculum, which can provide a clearer picture of the effectiveness of each curriculum in teaching Civics to students. The research method uses a quantitative approach with an ex post facto design. The research population was all students in SMP Negeri 9 Surakarta and SMP Negeri 9 Surakarta class VIII totaling 64 students. Sampling was done by simple random sampling technique. The data collection technique used in this study was primary data collection in the form of final semester exam results (UAS) in the even semester of the 2022/2023 school year. The data analysis technique uses inferential analysis techniques, namely the t-test, and the t-test used is the independent sample t-test. The results showed that the independent curriculum at SMP Negeri 9 Surakarta had higher learning outcomes, namely 86.32 compared to the 2013 curriculum learning outcomes at SMP Negeri 23 Surakarta, namely 78.32.
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