Cost of Illness of Chronic Kidney Disease with Hemodialysis at Dr. Moewardi Surakarta Hospital
Hemodialysis is needed for a long period of time and also requires a lot of money. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in patient characteristic factors on direct medical costs in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients with hemodialysis procedures and to find out the average cost of inpatient CKD treatment with hemodialysis. This research is a non-experimental study with data taken retrospectively at Dr. Moewardi in the period July-December 2022. The research subjects were CKD patients with inpatient and outpatient hemodialysis procedures. Cost data were then analyzed using descriptive analysis, the one sample t test was used to compare the average cost of hemodialysis treatment with the INA-CBG's rates, the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests to determine differences in real costs in terms of age, gender, length of stay, frequency of hemodialysis and number of comorbidities. The results showed that there were 75 patients with CKD with hemodialysis inpatients. The cost of illness for CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis is IDR 995,141,718.00. In inpatients there are differences in total direct medical costs on gender, age, frequency of HD and LOS. The difference between real costs and INA-CBG's rates is found in groups N-4-10-II class II and III, N-4-10-III class III, N-1-12-I class I and III, N-1- 12-II class I and III and N-1-12-III.
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