Public Service Innovation "SAPU JADI" at the Service of Population and Civil Registration of Kaimana District, West Papua Province
This study aims to analyze the implementation of the public service innovation "SAPU JADI" in the Population and Civil Registration Service of Kaimana Regency. This research uses a descriptive-qualitative method approach through interview research instruments, focus group discussions and documentation. The results of the research show that the implementation of the Public Service Innovation Program One Package of Finished Documents with the Motto "SAPU JADI", at the Population and Civil Registry Service of Kaiman Regency, West Papua Province has cut bureaucracy by simplifying service requirements and procedures through establishing Service Standards (SP) through innovation, namely One process is to obtain five documents, namely electronic – Resident Identity Card, Family Card, Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate and Child Identity Card. The inhibiting factor for the "SAPU JADI" finished document package innovation service is that it is still faced with limited supporting infrastructure such as document creation equipment, access to internet services (communication and telecommunications facilities), inadequate budget ceilings and limited human resources with expertise. Efforts made in implementing Innovation include increasing the budget ceiling and supporting infrastructure, outreach to the community and increasing the capacity of Human Resources by attending training to improve skills.
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