Enhancing Learning Independence on Asia Baru and Rimbun Tulang Barito Elementary School: A Case Study of Policy Implementation
The purpose of this study is to know: 1) To analyze the state of the critical success factors of policies such as communication, resources, dispositions (tendencies) and bureaucratic structures towards the implementation of the Merdeka curriculum, 2) To analyze the stages of policy implementation which include Policy Interpretation, Policy Organization and application of curriculum policies Independent Learning and 3) To analyze the implications of the independent learning policy on the planning, implementation and evaluation of learning at SD Asia Baru and SD Rimbun Tulang Barito Kuala. This research method uses a qualitative method with a total of 4 research informants who come from school principals and Indonesian and Mathematics Subject Teachers with data analysis techniques using triangulation techniques. Research results 1) The condition of the determining factors for the success of the policy for the communication aspect includes information on the independent independent learning policy, although it is quite conveyed, there is still no standard guide regarding suitable implementation in schools that do not yet have facilities to support the resource aspect, teachers still need to implement the 2013 curriculum in integrate gradually with the independent learning curriculum and there is a tendency for student scores to decrease due to the unpreparedness of the principal, teachers and students. Bureaucratic Structure The implementation of the independent learning independent policy is quite good because it starts from the decision to implement the curriculum by the school principal, then the teacher and students implement it, 2 ) The policy implementation phase which includes Policy Interpretation, the principal decides to use the 2013 curriculum because it is not yet included in the mandatory category of implementing the independent curriculum as a whole and the location of the school is rural which does not allow online learning 3) Implications of the independent learning policy for planning where the goal of the independent curriculum is to give birth innovation through education becomes difficult to realize so that achieving innovation is constrained by conventional teaching methods still being applied as a result of limited teacher knowledge. well integrated in the teaching and learning process resulting from the conception of independent learning not being defined in classroom actions and teaching methods carried out by the teacher and the evaluation stage, the lack of teacher knowledge undermines the support that should be given to developing student competence because of the facilities and infrastructure needed to support the ideology of independent learning cannot be adequately provided, let alone the teacher's weaknesses have become the basis that greatly determines the success of the vision and mission of independent learning.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i8.5119
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