Ethnomathematics Comics of Al-Akbar Mosque Surabaya to Improve Numeracy and Literacy in Reading and Writing
The numeracy and reading and writing literacy of elementary school students in Indonesia is still not satisfactory. Need the existence of innovative teaching materials that suit students' cognitive levels, increasing interest in reading, and accommodate students' numeracy and literacy skills. Culture in the form of the Al-Akbar Mosque building in Surabaya can be used as a student learning resource with the hope that learning will be more meaningful for students. Ethnomatematics comics can used as an alternative learning media to improve numeracy and reading literacy write. The purpose of this research is to describe the comic development process ethnomathematics of al-akbar mosque and knowing the validity of ethnomathematics comics. The research method uses Borg and research and development methods Gall. The research subjects were fifth grade students at Bahrul Ulum Elementary School, Surabaya. This research uses a type of development research or commonly known as Research and Development (R&D). Using the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). However, it is limited to the Analysis, Design and Development stage. Data collection methods use questionnaires and documentation. Development research instruments used to assess the feasibility of interaktif digital modules are in the form of product feasibility questionnaires. Data analysis techniques use descriptive data analysis techniques for product processing and quantitative analysis to determine product feasibility. The results of this research are products of development results through three stages, namely Analysis (needs analysis, student analysis, content analysis), Design (the stage used to create an Ethnomatematics comics and Development in the form of product development results. Ethnomathematics comic at the Al Akbar Mosque in Surabaya has achieved 83.93% feasibility in the feasible category. Feasibility is obtained from the results of an assessment by 2 expert validators media and material experts, as well as 2 practitioners. So, it can be concluded that ethnomathematics comics are suitable for use in learning and are expected to become reference learning resources by educators to improve literacy and numeracy for elementary school students.
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