The Development of Multicultural Discourse in the Historical Learning: A Case Study on Samudra University Langsa Aceh

Bachtiar Akob


The research analyzed the efforts conducted in the domain of historical learning in a university, especially related to how the past memory influences the recent multicultural discourses. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive analysis with case study approach. The research was divided into three parts: (1) collecting data, (2) analyzing data, and (3) reporting the results of the research. Subjects of the research were selected by using purposive sampling technique; they were the 4th semester students up to the 6th semester students of the History Education Department in Samudra University Langsa Aceh. The research resulted findings that conceptually the students had understood about the concept of multicultural. Nevertheless, multicultural discourse had not touched the context of locality. Historical learning was designed to develop and expand the students’ multicultural discourse. The design of historical learning contains the learning strategy of ENACT, consisting of six stages: apperception, exploration, narrowing, analyzing, creating and teaching. Historical learning forms the students’ multiculturalism discourse, built from a historical understanding and the dynamics of Acehnese society. The students viewed that multicultural is a social condition, formed from historical process. Conflict understood by students as the dynamics which is inseparable from a multicultural society. However, the students considered that conflict caused many endless problems, therefore, the students’ multicultural discourse tended to lead to peace condition. 

Keywords: Historical Learning, ENACT, Multicultural.

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