Civic Engagement through the Sendi Indigenous People in Realizing Ecological Citizenship in Overcoming the Impacts of Climate Change Based on Local Wisdom

Bariq Maulana, Triyanto Triyanto, Rini Triastuti, Widya Noventari


Climate change is one of the studies of contemporary global citizenship caused by poor environmental management and has no ethics to be a topic of discussion of all world leaders who need to get immediate treatment with the involvement of citizens. The Sendi Indigenous Community as one of the comunnity civics has a significant role in overcoming the impact of climate change that occurs in the area of Mount Welirang and Arjuno which is based on its local wisdom. The purpose of this research is to analyze the form of civic engagement of Sendi Indigenous People in overcoming the impact of climate change that occurs based on their local wisdom. This research uses qualitative research methods with a case study design and data collected using interview techniques, documentation, and observation which are then tested for validity using triangulation techniques to obtain valid data and in accordance with reality. Data were analyzed using an interactive model, namely data condensation, data presentation, conclusion drawing and data verification. The conclusion of this research is that the Sendi Indigenous People has a form of citizen involvement in the form of adaptation and mitigation in dealing with the impacts of climate change oriented towards sustainable agriculture and the use of agroforestry concepts in land management and settlements.


Climate change; Sendi Indegenous People; Ecological Citizenship

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