Agrarian Conflict Settlement through Agrarian Reform Implementation
Mukmin Zakie states that land conflict is a chronic and classic issue that has lasted for years or even decades and can be present everywhere. Land conflicts are complex and multi-dimensional in nature. Therefore, in preventing, handling, and resolving them, both legal and non-legal aspects must be taken into account. However, they often encounter dilemmas between various interests that are equally important. Finding a balance or a win-win solution to the conflict that has already occurred clearly requires a lot of effort. Accordingly, an understanding of the root of the problem is needed, it is hoped that land conflicts and conflicts can be suppressed as much as possible in order to create a conducive atmosphere and assure legal certainty and prosperous agrarian justice. The research method used in this study is Normative Juridical as this research is conducted by examining theories, concepts, legal principles, and laws and regulations related to this research variable.
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