Improving the Students’ Ability in Writing Text by Using Realia at Madrasah Aliyah DDI
The research endeavors to ascertain the advancement of students' compositional prowess in the domain of procedural text subsequent to pedagogical intervention employing realia at Madrasah Aliyah DDI. Employing a pre-experimental design, the study was conducted within the premises of Madrasah Aliyah DDI. The target population encompassed students enrolled in the eleventh grade during the academic term of 2022/2023. Employing purposive sampling, a sample size of 30 students from the aforementioned grade was selected. The research instrument utilized was a procedure text writing assessment. The findings of the data analysis distinctly underscored a significant disparity in the students' capacity to compose procedure texts, as evidenced by the variance between pre-test and post-test results. Specifically, the mean score for the pre-test stood at 58.73, contrasting with the post-test mean score of 72.58, reflecting a notable enhancement of 13.77 points. This discernible progress in writing proficiency indicates the salutary impact of incorporating realia. This observation was further corroborated by the outcomes of the t-test, which notably exceeded the critical t-table value (11.53 > 2.045), affirming the efficacy of the intervention.
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