Values in Indonesian History Textbook
The Indonesian history textbook, the handbook for teachers and students learning history in high school, is compiled by the Ministry of Education and Culture team as teaching material for students. The contents of the published history textbooks have been revised several times to improve the material's content. However, things could still be improved in the material's content or terms of data presentation. Mistakes in history textbooks will have a negative impact on students and their ways of thinking about national history and others. This scientific work aims to objectively analyze and criticize the content of history textbooks for High School Grade X and analyze historical values in the context of history textbook material as history lessons for students. The method used in this scientific work uses qualitative research methods. The data collection technique used a literature review collected in the form of Grade X Indonesian history textbooks and other relevant literature studies. The data analysis technique uses descriptive qualitative by first doing data reduction and concluding. The results of this study show that criticism of Grade X Indonesian history textbooks, which were published in revisions in 2016, still needs to improve, especially in the material and presentation of incorrect historical data. The presentation of historical data in the form of photos of Sriwijaya heritage inscriptions that are irrelevant to the explanation is very dangerous for students' understanding. The presentation of historical values in history textbooks is not visible, so the material presented appears to be only chronological. It is necessary to add subtitles related to historical values in the textbook to achieve the purpose of studying history.
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