Examining and Analyzing the Challenges of Using Digital Currency and Policies
The challenges related to cryptocurrencies can be mentioned among the security problems of facilitating internet crimes, tax evasion and money laundering, whose institutionalization in the society causes disruption in the economic and even political and social system. An important challenge that has always existed in legalization and exists in this field as well is that the laws should not be so restrictive that they become cumbersome and prevent the growth and birth of start-up companies; Because among the crimes that can be committed in connection with virtual currencies such as Bitcoin are: money laundering, theft, fraud and gambling and buying and selling of prohibited items, which will increase if these crimes are not legalized and criminalized. In addition, organized crimes that have much wider and more destructive effects should also be taken into consideration; The effect of crimes related to cryptocurrencies is so much that they are mentioned as a threat to the development of countries. Accordingly, considering the importance of this type of crime, in this part, it is mentioned to examine the challenges that currently exist in Iran.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i8.5070
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