Promoting Students’ Self-Directed Learning Based- Flipped Classroom Strategy to Facilitate Students’ Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text
The study aims to explain the use of digital storytelling based-flipped classroom strategy, and secondly to describe students’ engagement of incorporating this learning model in promoting self-directed learning on reading comprehension. Qualitative method and descriptive and narrative inquiry research design were employed. The research participants were thirty students of the eighth grader of Islamic secondary school at Brebes Regency, Central Java in the academic year 2022-2023. Data collection techniques used classroom observation and interview. Data analysis techniques applied data selection, data reduction, and data verification. The findings show that implementing digital storytelling based- flipped classroom can encourage and motivate students’ self-directed learning on reading comprehension in narrative text. Students responded well, actively, energetically, positively, and enthusiastically. The learning method could create a fun learning process and enhance students’ participation, achievement, emotional engagement, interactive communication, learning satisfaction, and learning outcomes. It also supports learners’ self- directed learning. Based on these results, this learning model is thus recommended to be implemented in English classroom context.
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