Analysis of The Suitability of the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) with the Learning Process

Rifa Thohriah


RPP is one of the important roles in the teaching and learning process in every school. It contains a plan of activities or activities to be carried out while studying. This study aims to describe the suitability of lesson plans and the process of learning English at MA NW Teko. The research method used is the observation method by coming directly to the school. Data collection techniques using simple interviews and documentation. The research results show that starting from the initial activities are carried out very well, the core is quite good and the closing is good. Thus it can be concluded that the lesson plan that has been made wa prepared by the English teacher and the learning process that has been carried out in  MA NW Teko has a high level of compatibility. However, even though it has a fairly good category, it is not yet fully in accordance with the lesson plans used, so there is still a need for further guidance and development for these teachers. That they are always guided by the RPP so that learning becomes more directed and in accordance with the plans that have been prepared.


Analysis; Suitability; Learning Implementation Plan

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