Implementation of The Principle of Balance in Standard Clauses in Certain Time Employment Agreements (PKWT)

Muhammad Nur Hafizh, Prija Djatimka, Yenny Eta Widyanti


Based on the description above, the authors conclude that in the formation and implementation of agreements, including the Specific Time Work Agreement (PKWT), it is necessary to pay attention to the balance of rights, obligations, and achievements of each party that binds itself, even when the employer includes standard clauses in it. So that there is no deviation because the PKWT in it is inseparable from the standard clause, in this case, it only benefits the employer because the clause has been stipulated unilaterally and the worker can only accept or reject it. Thus, the goodwill of the employer is required not to include standard clauses that lead to the exoneration clause and not to forget to pay attention to the rights of the workers, not only to pay attention to the obligations of the workers towards the employer. Meanwhile, from the beginning of the formation of the Specific Time Work Agreement (PKWT) until the end of the agreement period, it must be carried out based on the applicable regulations.


Implementation; PKWT

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