Comparative Analysis of G30S PKI Materials in High School History Textbooks
This study aims to compare the material of the 30 September Movement (G30S) PKI in textbooks between the 1994 Curriculum by I Wayan Badrika and the 1994 Curriculum Perfected Based on the 1999 GBPP Supplement by Siti Waridah et al. This research was conducted to understand the differences in the presentation of material, points of view, and learning approaches used in the two curricula. The content analysis method was used to analyze the G30S PKI material in the textbooks used in both curricula. The results of this study show significant differences in the presentation of PKI G30S material between the 1994 Curriculum and the 1994 Curriculum Refined Through the 1999 GBPP Supplement. Differences were found in the material's content, where the 1994 Curriculum placed more emphasis on certain aspects of the PKI G30S events, while the 1994 Curriculum Refined Through GBPP 1999 Supplements has more comprehensive information. In addition, there are differences in viewpoints and interpretations of the event, with the 1994 Curriculum Enhanced Through GBPP Supplements 1999 showing a more inclusive and critical approach. The research also highlights a change in learning approaches, where the 1994 Curriculum Refined Through GBPP 1999 Supplements adopted a more active, participatory, and skills-based approach. In contrast, the 1994 Curriculum tended to use a more authoritative approach. In addition, this study shows changes in public responses to the presentation of PKI G30S material, reflecting changes in social values and views. The results of this study have important implications for developing a more objective and inclusive history curriculum.
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