Visualization of History as a Representation of the Indonesian Idea Painting by Galam Zulkifli
This research was conducted with the aim of producing data that is descriptive qualitative, using the semiotic approach of Harles Sander Peirce. Qualitative research in its analysis requires a fairly in-depth and detailed analysis. Historical visualization can describe and understand historical events as something remote temporally through a painting because historical events are not only visualized in writing but can be more interesting by using paintings. The existence of paintings, both made by Western painters, Dutch painters, and Indonesian painters, have existed since the 19th century. One of the artists who use historical visualization in creating a painting is Galam Zulkifli entitled The Indonesia Idea. Therefore this study aims to describe three main things, namely: 1) Galam Zulkifli's creative process; 2) factors that strengthen historical visualization as a representation of The Indonesia Idea, and; 3) Pierce's semiotic analysis in "The Indonesia Idea" by Galam Zulkifli. The results of this study are as follows.1). In the process of creating a work of art, Galam divides it into two, namely there is a concept and a context;2)The two factors that strengthen the visualization of history as an interpretation of The Indonesia Idea are that there are still many people, especially children, who are blind to history; 3)Third, in looking at the work of The Indonesia Idea, we will divide into three analyzes of the work that refer to Pierce's semiotic theory, namely the interpretant which consists of icons, indexes, and symbols.
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