Design of Corporate Governance Measurement of Internet-Based Cooperative Legal Entities
Cooperatives are an economic business entity institution for people who own micro and small and medium enterprises which have provided evidence of being strong economic actors, for example, in overcoming the problem of unemployment. In 2007 the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs stated that the workforce in small and medium enterprises had absorbed as many as 91.25 million workers and large businesses had absorbed as many as 2.52 million workers. Meanwhile in 2019, a research has shown that MSMEs are able to absorb a workforce of 119.6 million workers. This number has increased compared to the previous year which was 117 million people. So that number is equivalent to 96.92% of the total workforce in Indonesia, and the remaining 3.08% comes from large industries. The more cooperatives that operate, the more institutional improvements are needed. Institutional improvement can be done by improving Good Corporate Governance. However, until now in Indonesia there has been no patent measure of Good Corporate Governance, the existing measurements are still included in the Cooperative Health Rating Working Paper. In addition, the existing measurements are still using the manual method. This study offers a measurement design of internet-based Good Corporate Governance For Cooperatives. The results of the research gave rise to five aspects of measurement and 164 main items of assessment. the existing measurements are still included in the Cooperative Health Rating Working Paper. In addition, the existing measurements are still using the manual method. This study offers a measurement design of internet-based Good Corporate Governance For Cooperatives. The results of the research gave rise to five aspects of measurement and 164 main items of assessment. the existing measurements are still included in the Cooperative Health Rating Working Paper. In addition, the existing measurements are still using the manual method. This study offers a measurement design of internet-based Good Corporate Governance For Cooperatives. The results of the research gave rise to five aspects of measurement and 164 main items of assessment.
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