Explaining the Basics of Sexual Behavior Based on Islamic and Non-Islamic Discourse
Background: The new sexual system in the West is accused of destroying the traditional family structure in a continuous effort with cultural transformation in terms of beliefs and tendencies by valuing material things and freeing from the constraints of the church. With the transformation of sexual customs, the formation of a nuclear family, became less important. The aim is to explain the basics of sexual behavior based on Islamic and non-Islamic discourse. Methods: With a library study plan and relying on jurisprudence and legal books, the literature related to the basics of sexual behavior based on Islamic and non-Islamic discourse between 1980 and 2022 has been examined. Results: Considering the importance of sexual instinct in human life, different approaches have been adopted throughout history. 1. The approach of monasticism with the evil attitude of sexual instinct, 2. The sexual ethics approach based on the freedom of sexual relations reached its peak in the 20th century. Its characteristic is the reduction of strict moral laws and values regarding sex and the expansion of sex before and during marriage and homosexuality, masturbation... and 3. The Islamic approach to sexual issues is a moderate and religious approach. Conclusion: It seems that proper planning should be done in order to be effective in changing illicit sexual behaviors such as nudity and veiling, increasing men's perceptual threshold in dealing with women's physical attractiveness, preventing the impairment of sexual zeal and the ease of legal marriage.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i9.4962
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