Technology Assisted in Teaching English at State Vocational High School 2 Selong
This study aimed at investigating the kinds of technology frequently used by the English teachers at SMKN 2 Selong and exploring the significances of technology for classroom interaction. The observation and questionnaire were used to collect the data which were then analyzed by reducing, transcribing the essential points as well as accumulating the data using formula proposed in this study. The findings of this study showed that the kinds of technology frequently used by the English teachers were computer, LCD, application, google classroom, google form, YouTube videos, power point, and internet access (Wi-Fi). The kinds of activities used in implementing this technology apparently helped the teachers in improving students’ seriousness in learning, and in recognizing the students’ progress in learning and the students’ strengths and weaknesses in certain aspect of language. In addition, the technology used by the teachers could create interactive learning process.
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