The Role of Stakeholders in 21st Century Competency-Based Authentic Assessment Management at SMK Center of Excellence
Stakeholder participation in authentic assessment management in center of excellence schools. This study aims to describe the participation of stakeholders in planning, implementing, and controlling/supervising authentic 21st century competency-based assessments (AABKA-21) at SMK Muhammadiyang 1 North Klaten. This research uses a qualitative approach, a type of case study, with a case design. Data collection techniques use in-depth interviews, observation, and document analysis. The validity check of data is carried out through credibility criteria, transferability criteria, dependability criteria, and confirmability criteria. The collected data was analyzed using Milles Huberman cycle analysis, starting from data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and verification and conclusions. The results showed the participation of stakeholders at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 North Klaten in planning and implementation, and supervision reached level three (representative participation) to level four (transformative participation).
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