A Model of Christian Family Post-Marriage Development to Prevent Divorce
The phenomenon of the collapse of the Christian family in the midst of our nation is really very concerning. Basuki Tjahaya Purnama's (Ahok) divorce with his wife is a very relevant fact for researchers to reveal about this phenomenon. A phenomenal public figure has set a bad example and has silenced and tarnished basic religious values admired by other communities in this country. The researcher formulates the problem which will become the starting point for further research, as follows: 1) What is the root cause of the problem of divorce in Christian marriages and 2) what is the post-marital coaching model for Christian couples in order to prevent divorce. The research method used in this study is the observation method. The results of this study. The main problem that causes divorce in Christian families is the lack of understanding about monogamous Christian marriage (one husband and one wife) throughout life as a standard. The trigger factors for divorce are: economic problems, third party interference, infidelity and weak communication. The Christian Family Post-Marriage Guidance Model in Labuhan Ratu Sub-District, East Lampung Regency in Preventing Divorce which can keep Christian families from getting divorced, are: a. Introduction of Men and Women, b. Conflict Management, c. family altar and d. Communication.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i9.4956
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