EFL Teacher’s Assumptions and Role in Designing the New Curriculum

Nina Herlina Astuti, Sahabi Alif Suhartami


Curriculum is a component in education that serves as a guide in carrying out learning both in the order of educational units and classes. However, teachers are at the forefront of the implementation of education in Indonesia. so that the teacher and the curriculum are things that are related to one another. The success of implementing a curriculum depends on the teachers who teach in schools. The aims of this study were to display EFL teachers' roles and assumption in designing the new curriculum. The type of research used in this study is qualitative research was carried out by using a set of instruments, i.e. online questionnaire with 15 participants (male and female) from several schools and several backgrounds. Some of them come from public schools and some others come from private schools. The location of the schools is also varied. Some are located in rural areas and some are in urban areas. The participants were chosen randomly from different school in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. From the results of data analysis that has been done, it is found that teachers actually have roles and assumption in designing the new curriculum. The reduced role of the teacher is a big potential in efforts to optimize learning activities. The government, educational units, and teachers have the opportunity to improve the quality of education, especially in the learning setting through two things. First, increasing teacher competence. Second, optimizing the teacher's role in learning, namely as a learning resource, facilitator, manager, demonstrator, mentor, motivator, and evaluator. Because after all ideally the curriculum will not be meaningful if it is not supported by the teacher's ability to implement it.


EFL Teachers; Teachers’ Role and Assumption; New Curriculum Design

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i9.4944


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