Bobung Mask Commodification in Cultural Industry Perspective
This research aims to study the development and value shift in Classic Panji Mask art in Bobung, Putat, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia as a local culture. The massive development of the industry affects many aspects including culture. Culture as treasure and the nation’s character builder as well as the virtuous value in it must be preserved to the next generation. This study uses qualitative approach while the methods of data collection are interviews, observations, and documentations. The study uses descriptive analysis with data collection, data presentation, data reduction, and conclusion. The study shows that there is a cultural value and meaning shift in the art of mask crafts in Bobung village as a result of cultural industry phenomenon. It is often linked with the mask art industry by applying capital value principles. In addition, the cultural industry phenomenon also results in culture being treated as a culture product. Despite philosophy values in classic masks are eroded by tourism development and global market interests, Bobung residents still try to preserve the classic masks.
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