The Transformation of Perkolong-kolong Cultural Values as the Life Principle of the Karo Tribe
This research was conducted to discuss the process of perkolong-kolong transformation nowadays and to explain the conceptions of cultural values transformation contained in perkolong-kolong. In this context, cultural values are defined as a system that includes abstract conceptions about what is considered bad (so it must be avoided) and what is considered good (so it must be adhered to). The method used is qualitative using a cultural anthropological approach. The research design used is a case study, where the findings in this study only apply to similar phenomena or characteristics and are carried out to analyze events, activities, and processes that are regulated in a cultural perspective. As a result, there are two forms of transformation found in perkolong-kolong activities, which are 1) the elimination of reciprocal rhymes or poems in the perkolong-kolong procedure, 2) different rules and procedures in implementing perkolong-kolong.
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