Language Revitalization Policy in Balikpapan
This study aims to identify regional language revitalization efforts and policy in Balikapapan. This study is a qualitative descriptive study. Data in this study is a result of interviews with informants. The source of data in this study is an informant who is an official at the East Kalimantan Language Office. Data collection in this study conducted in-depth interviews. Data analysis in this study uses domain analysis and cultural themes analysis. The results showed that the language revitalization policy issued by the East Kalimantan Language Office was found in Balikpapan in a non-formal form. The non-formal efforts found were in the form of community empowerment and home-based programs. Several efforts to revitalize regional languages that can be carried out in Balikpapan are the provision of online media and language and cultural festivals.
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