Sport Infrastructure for Physical Education in Senior High School
The purpose of this study was to determine the condition and the quality of sports infrastructure in high school. This study using mixed method which is data collection combined between interview data and the documentation. Total subjects were 40 respondents and full fill the inform consent before answer question. The research study located in high schools throughout Purbalingga District. The results of this study have correlation to the standardization of sports infrastructure in the standard category according to the regulation Number 24 of 2007 concerning the standard for Facilities and Infrastructure for School in Republic of Indonesia. This study showed that the completeness of the equipment has fulfilled, although there are some sports facilities are lacking but do not interfere to the learning processes. The level of feasibility of sports infrastructure is still to be optimized. Regarding to the used of sports infrastructure in a multifunctional manner and carrying out the maintenance procedures have been running but not optimal. The conclusions were 3 of the 10 high schools in sufficient category, 5 schools in good category, and 2 schools in the very good category. Therefore, it is necessary to improve and standardize the maintenance of sports infrastructure facilities to the realization of standardization and equitable distribution of sports infrastructure in every high school as well as an increases in achievement at public high schools.
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