Facilitative Model of Developmental Guidance and Counseling for Student Satisfaction in Guidance and Counseling Services
School counselors and teachers are described as facilitators who are proficient in using interpersonal skills that can help individuals or groups move toward their goals. The facilitative model helps build interpersonal relationships in which students experience facilitative conditions such as trust, understanding, acceptance, concern, respect, and hope. when facilitative relationships are further enhanced; students become more open to exploring ideas, feelings, and behaviors; responsible decision-making can solve problems and improve student satisfaction with the services provided by counselors or teachers. Guidance and counseling in schools. This study aimed to determine the effect of the application of developmental guidance and counseling models with the application of facilitative responses by guidance and counseling teachers on student satisfaction with guidance and counseling services in schools. This study uses a quantitative approach, with the type of ex-post facto research, and uses binary logistic regression analysis. The data collection instrument used a questionnaire. The sample in this study was 373 high school students in the DI Yogyakarta region. The sampling technique in this study was carried out with an accidental random sampling technique. The results showed that the facilitative model with the application of facilitative responses by guidance and counseling teachers presented in six aspects affected student satisfaction in guidance and counseling services, or at least one aspect of the six aspects affected student satisfaction in guidance and counseling services.
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