Implementation of the Jesus Leadership Model by the School Planning Leadership Senior High School RK Deli Murni Delitua

Johannes Sohirimon Lumban Batu, Ermina Waruwu, Din Oloan Sihotang, Imelda Simanullang


This study aims to find out how the principal's leadership model at SMA RK Deli Murni, Delitua, implements the Jesus leadership model. This study used qualitative research methods. This research was conducted at SMA RK Deli Murni, Delitua, with informants consisting of 10 people selected by purposive sampling. The research was conducted by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study were analyzed qualitatively using a triangulation technique to check the validity of the data. The research results show: first, Jesus' leadership model as a servant in the principal has been implemented; second, the principal can listen to the members well; in addition to listening, the principal always provides input and encouragement to the members; third, the principal always motivates the members to achieve goals; and fourth, the principal is good to serve and is committed to the growth of all people. Second, Jesus' leadership model as a caretaker has been well implemented. The principal is able to recognize the members well; this can be seen from the daily life between the principal and the members; the principal is also always present and ready for members; the principal also always leads the members from the front by setting a good example to be guidelines for its members; the principal also always guides and guides the members by setting strategies for making fast and precise decisions for the common good; the principal also always has a good spirit of self-sacrifice for its members; this can be seen when the principal is always professional in determining personal interests and the interests of the school. Third, The leadership model of Jesus as a Shepherd has also been applied. The principal is given responsibility by the superior; this can happen because the principal can give himself and show his ability, so that superiors dare to trust him to lead the school. The principal is also able to account for the trust that has been entrusted to him, as seen from his loyalty to his boss. The recommendation from this study is that the Jesus leadership model is very effective when applied in the context of leadership, especially in the school environment


Model, Leadership of Jesus, Principal

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