A Qualitative Study of Student Perspectives on the Implementation of Special Sports Class Program at Senior High School Level

Abiyyu Amajida, Wawan Sundawan Suherman, Sumarjo Sumarjo, Muhammad Fatih Humam, Zakiya Zanjabila, Sunaryo Sunaryo, Inas Gita Amalia


This study was qualitative in design. The goal of this research was to uncover the phenomena that occur during the implementation of the school's Special Sports Class (KKO) program, particularly at the senior high school (SMA) level. The sample for this study was chosen using a purposive sampling strategy that included the following criteria: The sample consisted of students from the special sports class program, students who were active students in the special sports class program at the time the research was done, and students who had participated in the special sports class program for at least two (2) years. Based on these criteria, a sample of ten (10) persons was chosen, with 7 men and 3 women included. An interview guide about the implementation of the KKO program was utilized as the study instrument. Data analysis for a qualitative approach, specifically data analysis methodologies Miles and Huberman began by presenting data, then reducing it and drawing conclusions. The findings of this study, namely the implementation of the KKO program at the high school level, were examined from the perspective of the students, and the results were fairly satisfactory with various improvements. There is a need for a more in-depth study of the problems in the KKO program, including the majors system, which must be adapted to the sports science family itself, and giving more attention to the future of the KKO program students because this program is a special program and the demands of the KKO program students are classified as weight, namely being able to excel in non-academic fields without neglecting students' academic aspects.


Students; Implementation; KKO; SMA

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i7.4903


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