Teachers’ Knowledge and Understanding Toward Learning-Friendly Education for Children with Disabilities in Inclusive School

Permata Primadhita Nugraheni, Abdul Salim, M Furqon Hidayatullah


Children with disabilities are commonly defined by a child that requires special needs in their everyday life aspects. They may have extensive needs in education, social, healthcare, and psychological health. Children with disabilities have the rights to be educated in various placements, from special school to inclusive school alongside their normal peers. An inclusive school being called learning-friendly when all of the elements of Learning-Friendly school environment that are already been established are addressed. Every member of inclusive school should acknowledge those elements, including the teacher. The aim of this research is to evaluate the teachers’ knowledge and understanding about learning-friendly education among inclusive school under the purview of The Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affair. This study was using a quantitative research method. The data collection technique used is a rating scale with 18-item questions. The result of this research found that most of the teachers (89%) showed a moderate to low level of knowledge and understanding about learning-friendly inclusive education for children with disabilities. While another 11% of teachers had a good knowledge about the concept of friendly education for children with disabilities. Overall, teacher’s knowledge and understanding are in moderate to low level. Furthermore, there is a need to improve teachers’ knowledge and understanding about friendly-education for children with disabilities in inclusive school.


Children with Disabilities, Inclusive School, Learning-Friendly Education

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i1.490


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