Determinant Factors Influencing Students’ Motivation to Study at Informal Institution English Study Centre
--English proficiency that has been taught since elementary, middle, and high school not giving significant impact for the graduates, they are not capable yet to master the oral and writing English proficiency. As requirement skill that must be mastered, the graduates try to get it by taking a course in informal education. Received in workplace, received in official school, also be more ready through the higher education level. Qualitative method was used to elaborate the data by interviewing the students of the course. Giving questionnaire and interviewing the students of the courses by random sampling to get the data analysis. There were many students need the English proficiency to get job easier, also there were many success stories from the previous member who had studied created the customer believe, the customer believe created word of mouth and customer satisfaction, also different methods they got during the program create their motivation to learn and finish the program became the determinant factors influencing the student motivation to choose and study at English study center.
Keywords: Students’ Motivation, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation, Customer Believe. Word of Mouth, Customer Satisfaction.
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