Garbage Education Song as a Media to Build Environmental Care Character in Early Childhood
The waste problem is still a global issue that significantly impacts environmental damage. One of the reasons for the high waste production rate is the need for more public awareness and concern for waste management. Creating an urgency for protecting waste education from an early age is crucial. In children's education, it is necessary to have supporting media so that the stimulation provided can be more optimal. The medium that is quite effective and also interesting for early childhood education is using songs. This study aims to analyze garbage educational songs as a learning media to build environmental care characters in early childhood. The research method used is development research which refers to the ADDIE model. One PAUD media, linguist, and music expert conducted song validation tests. The trial was conducted on 20 kindergarten students. Data were collected through interviews, recording, and filling out questionnaires. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques and quantitative descriptive statistics. The results of the study obtained a score of 92% on the PAUD media expert test, 80% on the language media expert test, 82% on the music expert test, 94% on the teacher assessment, and 90% assessment from students' parents. With these results, this song media is very good and appropriate for waste education media to be applied at school or home. This research implies that the developed garbage education songs are suitable as a learning media to build environmental care character.
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