Development of Interactive Multimedia in Learning Islamic Education

Reda Ramadhani, Ali Muhtadi


This development research aims to: 1) produce interactive multimedia learning products for senior high school students in Islamic Religious Education subjects; 2) find out the feasibility level of the products developed. The research method refers to the Allesi & Trollip development model which is grouped into three development steps, namely: a) planning; b) design, and c) development consisting of components that cover standards, ongoing evaluation, and project management. This research produces interactive learning multimedia products in the form of Compact Disk (CD). The results of the product feasibility assessment score through the alpha test on material experts were 4.0 (feasible) and the media expert was 4.1 (feasible). In the beta test, the assessment results obtained were 4.0 (feasible).


Interactive Multimedia; Learning; Islamic; Education

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