The Impact of Parenting Styles of Migrating Parents on Responsibilities Adolescents in Ngrancang Hamlet, Mantingan, Ngawi
This study aims to determine the impact of parenting parents migration on the responsibility of teenagers. This study uses a qualitative case study method, determining the subject with purposive sampling technique. Collecting data through interviews, observation and documentation. The validity of the data used the source triangulation method. Then the analysis which includes data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that from the three subjects parents apply parenting that is democratic and permissive. In the parenting pattern of D's parents, applying democratic parenting results in being able to take responsibility in daring to bear the consequences, being able to control themselves, being able to determine goals and plans, being positive, carrying out obligations, being independent, being proactive, diligent, reflective, setting a good example. Then in parenting, MR applies democratic parenting resulting in being able to be responsible in being able to take risks, being able to control oneself, being able to determine goals and plans, being positive, carrying out obligations, reflective. Furthermore, in parenting, R's parents apply permissive parenting resulting in being able to take responsibility in daring to bear the consequences, carry out obligations, be positive.
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