Utilization Off-Grid Solar Powered Cold Storage for Economy Improvement of Fishermen in Mangur Island
The absence of access to electricity from PLN on Mangur Island requires fishermen to preserve fish catches by smoking, which causes the selling price of fish to fall. Some fishermen have diesel engines to power cold storage, but the cost of diesel fuel mixed with kerosene is relatively high, which is IDR 17.000/liter. Mangur Island has a large enough solar potential, with a Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) value of 5,6 kWh/m2, where this potential can be implemented by installing a Solar Power Plant (solar PV) system. Installation of cold storage with Off-Grid solar powered (Cortagrid) system is a solution to be able to help fishermen preserve fish catches. Off-Grid solar powered with a solar panel capacity of 1 kWp is installed with an additional 4,8 kWh battery. This solar PV system can supply the cold storage load for the fisherman commodity of Mangur Island of 145 Watt and 2 lighting lamps with each power output of 9 Watt. In the CAPEX for the initial solar PV system of IDR 31.906.000, you will get a payback period of 6 years and 4 months and an NPV of IDR 1.112.269,46. Where the solar PV installed can help the community to enjoy clean electrical energy and maximize the potential of solar energy on Mangur Island.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i6.4852
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