Cognitive Level Profile in Solving Mathematics Problem at Ten Grade of Senior High School Students with Low Ability

Khisna Yumniyati, Imam Sujadi, Diari Indriati


This research is motivated by the importance of problem solving skill for students in 21st century, whereas students' skill in solving mathematics problems is various in accordance their cognitive levels. Students’ cognitive levels in solving problems include; cognition; metacognition; and epistemic cognition. Cognitive level affects individual in understanding problem and deciding the right strategy to solve it. The purpose of this study is to describe cognitive levels of low-ability students. This study uses qualitative methods with task-based interviews. The material is three-variable linear equation system. The research subjects are two low-ability students at ten grade of State Senior High School in Pati Regency. The results show that the two subjects have weaknesses at each level, for example the two subjects are able to work on the given problems, but both subjects are unable to define equations, inequality, similarity, and dissimilarity correctly in the initial type of cognition level.


Cognition; Metacognition; Epistemic Cognition; Problem Solving; Mathematics

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