Innovation of Education Models in Islands and Border Areas Based on Digital and Spatial Approaches as a Regional Development Policy Concept for the Province of North Sulawesi in Opening Indonesia's Gateway to the Pacific and East Asia Regions
This research discusses the concept of North Sulawesi Province's regional development policy, aimed at opening Indonesia's gateway to the Pacific and East Asia regions through innovative education models in islands and border areas based on digital and spatial approaches. This education model aims to improve the quality of education in remote areas through the use of digital technology and spatial approaches. This concept is carried out to build a better quality of human resources, so that they are able to face global challenges in the future. This digital and spatial approach to education includes the use of information and communication technology and digital maps to improve teaching effectiveness. In addition, this education model is also expected to improve students' skills and knowledge in technology and science. Through the innovation of education models in the islands and border areas based on digital and spatial approaches, North Sulawesi Province hopes to strengthen Indonesia's position in the Pacific and East Asia regions and open up wider opportunities for cooperation in the fields of education and technology.
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