The Intertextuality of Contemporary Indonesian Poetry: Spiritual Values in Notonegoro's Perspective
The purpose of this article is to describe the intertextual relationship and similarities between Chairil Anwar's poem “Doa” and D. Zawawi Imron's poem “Doa”. The similarity of these poems is examined in terms of spiritual values. The research method used in this study is the descriptive qualitative method. The research data sources are Chairil Anwar's poem "Doa" and D. Zawawi Imron's poem “Doa”. The study results show that Chairil Anwar's poem “Doa” and D. Zawawi Imron's poem “Doa” have intertextual relationships and similarities regarding spiritual values. Both poems convey strong messages about religious, aesthetic, moral, and truth values, enlightening our understanding of the relationship between humans and God and the search for the meaning of life. They depict a life full of challenges and difficulties, but prayer is considered a means to obtain strength and moral guidance from God. Both convey a message about the importance of spirituality in human life. These spiritual values can guide and strengthen in facing life's challenges and journeys. This provides insight into how these poems link spiritual values such as religious, aesthetic, moral, and truth values. The significant implication of this research is that poetry can provide us with an understanding of spiritual expression to explore the dimensions of human life.
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