Development of an Android-Based Guidance and Counseling Information System (SIM-BK) at SMA Negeri 2 Tasikmalaya City

Trias Maulin Tarlia, Diana Septi Purnama


The amount of data that must be managed by BK practitioners is very large and unadministered. The purpose of making this Android-based Guidance and Counseling Information System (SIM BK) is so that it can make it easy for students to access it anywhere and anytime and is administrated as a whole and can be accessed at any time. Products that have been developed, validated and revised, are then subjected to preliminary tests or limited trials involving 191 class X students of SMA Negeri 2 Tasikmalaya City as respondents. Trials were conducted to determine the feasibility of the product being developed and user feedback. Questionnaires are used as a data collection tool in limited trials. There are two aspects that are seen, namely the quality of the content and objectives as well as the quality of the technique. The results of the due diligence conducted by student respondents were 92.37% with feasible criteria. Based on the results obtained, the SIM BK product at the SMA/MA level is feasible to use.


Media; Information System; Guidance and Counseling; Android

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