Personality of the Conselor and Student Interest in Providing Individual Counseling
A counselor is a specialist with training in guidance and counseling who can design programs, carry out different services, evaluate their effectiveness, and follow up with clients. Clients may include kids, parents, principals, school employees, subject teachers, and other relevant contexts. One of the factors influencing the success of the counseling process is the counselor's personality. As a result, a counselor must be qualified, psychologically healthy, self-aware, trustworthy, honest, warm, responsive, and active, as well as possess the following personal qualities: patience, sensitivity, and holistic awareness. So, it is possible that a counselor who possesses positive personal traits will be interested in consulting, venting, or even individual therapy. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the connection between the personality of the counselor and the students' desire in providing individual counseling. This study use product moment correlation analysis methodologies and has one dependent variable and one independent variable. Primary data gathered through surveys is the type of data used. According to the study's findings, the personality of the counselor and the desire of the students in providing individual counseling are significantly correlated.
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