The RW Police Program as an Implementation of Predictive Policing in the Legal Jurisdiction of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police Department (Polda Metro Jaya)

Adhibya Pramudito Hutama, Arthur Josias Simon Runturambi, Anang Iskandar


Globalization and the development of information technology have led to the emergence of crimes that require appropriate policing efforts. One such effort is predictive policing, which in Indonesia is aligned with the PRESISI Police framework, emphasizing Predictive, Responsible, and Fair Transparency. This paper aims to analyze the "Polisi RW" program as an implementation of predictive policing in the jurisdiction of Polda Metro Jaya. The analysis is conducted using a qualitative-descriptive method. Data was collected through a literature review of books, magazines, newspapers, and internet sites, as well as other sources. Qualitative data analysis was conducted. The results indicate that predictive policing utilizes spatial and temporal prediction and crime profiling to prevent crime. In Indonesia, the implementation of predictive policing is currently being carried out through the "One Police One Village" program, which can be intensified through the RW Police program. The RW Police program places police personnel in a village or neighborhoods (RW-level) around the residence or place of service of the personnel, increasing the efficiency of human resources by placing them in areas that require greater supervision in the community order at the neighborhood level, which is closer to the daily dynamics of the community.


RW Police; Predictive Policing, One Police One Village Program; Polda Metro Jaya

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