The Effect of Financial Technology (Fintech) on Development of SME with Financial Inclusion as A Mediation Variable: Study on SME'S Creative Economic Sector in Lombok
This study aims to analyze the influence of Financial Technology (Fintech) on financial inclusion and the development of SMEs in the creative economy sector of Lombok. This research is associative with a quantitative approach. The sample in this study was 200 SMEs in the Creative Economy Sector. The data collection tool used in this study was a questionnaire. Hypothesis testing using full model structural equation modeling (SEM) Partial Least Square analysis. The result showed that Digital Fintech Finance has a significant positive effect on the development of SMEs. With the presence of Financial Technology, SME players can access all information in fulfilling all forms of their operations. Financial Technology Fintech has a significant positive effect on financial inclusion. Users of technology-based Financial Technology services in transactions with all Financial Technology users show trust obtained because financial inclusion has provided a safe regulator and information on future risks. Financial Inclusion has a significant positive effect on the development of SMEs. Financial Inclusion as a forum for delivering regulations in transactions between fellow SME business actors is beneficial in this very sophisticated era. Financial Technology (Fintech) on the Development of SMEs Mediated by Financial Inclusion has a Significantly Positive Effect. The development of complex services in the financial system certainly impacts how it is easier for industry players to access a service needed to support business activities.
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