Conversation Implicature and Code-Mixing in Mata Najwa's Talk Show Exclusive Episode: Ganjar Pranowo and the World Cup
It cannot be denied that Indonesian people cannot be separated from the name of mixing codes in communicating. In addition, in communicating it is not uncommon to find messages sent to the interlocutor irrelevant to their literal meaning. That is, the speech contains a conversational implicature. The purpose of this study is to look at the form of implicature and mix codes in the talk show Mata Najwa Exclusive Episode: Ganjar Pranowo and the World Cup. This research uses qualitative methods with content analysis research. The object of this research is in the form of oral discourse or speech in the talk show. Data analysis was carried out using sociopragmatic studies. Pragmatics is used to answer the first problem involving the form of implicature in oral discourse or speech in the talk show, while sociolinguistics is used to answer the second problem that concerns the form and type of code-mixing. Data analysis in this study consists of three lines of activities carried out simultaneously, namely data reduction activities, data presentation, and conclusion drawing or verification. The validity of the data is carried out by testing the validity and reliability of the data findings. Determination of the correctness status of the data tested in the analysis using referential validity, that is, linking the accuracy of the data with the support of theory and other relevant data. Reliability is tested using interrater techniques, which are listening carefully to data, repeatedly, and continuously to obtain constant data. The results showed that there were 7 data contain generalized conversational implicatures and 3 data contain particularized conversational implicatures. Furthermore, 47 data were found containing mixed codes. Data were identified and classified by type of code mix using Muysken's code mix theory. 26 data contain mixed code insertion of material, 12 data contain mixed code alternation, and 9 data contain mixed code congruent lexicalization.
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