The Value of Local Wisdom of Folklore in Kudus District and Utilization in Learning Indonesian in Junior High Schools

Nuroini Najmiya Nafisa, Sarwiji Suwandi, Sumarwati Sumarwati


Folklore is a story that originates from the community and developed in society in the past which is the hallmark of every nation that has a cultural and historical culture that belongs to each nation. Folklore generally tells about an incident in the past in a place or the origin of a place. However, its existence is now almost extinct because it is not preserved by the community. As a result, people cannot apply values including local wisdom values in folklore. This research was conducted as a form of effort to preserve folklore and as a public awareness effort to apply local wisdom values, especially in folklore by imitating the positive values in it. Study This aim for describe: (1) the value of local wisdom in folklore in Kudus Regency and (2) its use in learning Indonesian in junior high schools. Method Which used in study This is descriptive qualitative with strategy studies case. Technique analysis data use interactive analysis models. Results study show that (1) the values of local wisdom contained in folklore in Kudus Regency include: welfare, hard work, discipline, education, health, gender management, caring for the environment, peace, politeness, honesty, harmony and conflict resolution, commitment, positive thinking, and gratitude, and (2) learning folklore in Kudus Regency is suitable for use as Indonesian language teaching materials in junior high schools because of the weight of the material more complex.


Folklore; Local Wisdom Value; Learning Language Indonesia

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