Procedure for Buying and Selling Electricity between PT. PLN Jayapura Customer Service Unit with Customers
Electric power is a product that is included in the group of movable goods that are abstract and cannot be seen physically, but have an effect that can be felt. As a product that has a sale value, electricity buying and selling transactions have risks that need to be considered. Most people choose to subscribe to electricity at PLN to obtain a stable supply of electricity. This research uses normative and empirical juridical methods. The normative juridical approach refers to laws, literature, written regulations, or other legal materials that are secondary in nature, while the empirical juridical approach looks at realities directly on the ground. The results showed that the procedure for buying and selling electricity between customers and PT. PLN's Jayapura Customer Service Unit involves signing a Power Purchase Agreement (SPJBTL) to regulate the rights and obligations of both parties. Previously, customers had to report to PT. PLN to request the connection or distribution of electricity to newly constructed buildings. Furthermore, PT. PLN asks customers to fill out a registration form available on the official website of PT. PLN or with the help of officers/employees of PT. PLN. After registering online, customers must prepare additional documents such as application letters, photocopies of KTP, stamps, and photocopies of the nearest neighbor's electricity bills.
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