Unveiling the Narrative Strategies of World Religious Literature: An In-Depth Exploration
This article examines the narrative strategies used in world religious literature, exploring how these texts create and convey meaning and how they shape religious beliefs and practices across different cultures and time periods. The article provides a theoretical framework for understanding narrative strategy in religious literature, exploring the role of historical and cultural contexts, characters, plot and structure, symbolism and metaphor, point of view and perspective, and intertextuality. By examining a range of religious texts, the article reveals the power of narrative to shape human experience and understanding, and the enduring influence of these narratives on our lives today. Ultimately, the article highlights the importance of narrative strategy in understanding and interpreting world religious literature, providing valuable insights into the stories, traditions, and beliefs of different cultures and religions.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i6.4683
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