Constitutionality of the Discourse Extending the Term of Office of the President in Indonesia
A constitution is the foundation of the governance of a country. Constitutions regulate the separation of the division of authority of each state institution, the length of service of the president and his deputy as well as the protection of human rights. Currently in Indonesia, there is a discourse on extending the presidential term of office to 3 terms. Responses to this discourse varied. Some argue that each period is to be made with a longer period. Meanwhile, others argue to postpone the general election on the grounds that Indonesia is still recovering from Covid-19. This research is normative legal research with statutory and case approaches, using primary and secondary legal materials collected through literature. The theory of people’s sovereignty is a theory that forms the basis of democracy, in which it states that the highest power in a country is in the hands of the people. From the results of this study, changes to the term of office of the President and Vice President and the postponement of general elections are unconstitutional if they are not carried out by amending the Constitution at the will of the people.
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