Customary Law Community Marriage System in Waropen District

Daniel Tanati


Marriage is a physical and spiritual bond that cannot be separated from human life and where in marriage there must be a process or procedure in marriage as well as in traditional marriages in Waropen Regency, it cannot be separated from the marriage system in customary law communities. The aim of this research is to find out the marriage system of the customary law community in Waropen Regency. This research method is empirical juridical, by looking directly at the field through interviews with related parties. The results of this study explain that the marriage system of the Indigenous Peoples of Waropen Regency, namely through proposals, is carried out for bridegrooms who still have close family ties and who are able to marry as adults. The height of an adult, the point of comparison is a man who graduated from a traditional school. Proposals are usually made to the daughter of the father's sister. If the application is approved, the dowry or dowry will be determined. Mahar comes in the form of plates and money, the use of plates as dowry is essentially related to the underlying philosophy that plates are tools/containers for eating and drinking which are considered luxurious/special and can also indicate one's social status.


System; Marriage; Customary Law Community; Waropen Regency

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