Criminal Acts Against Constitutional Order and Security
Criminal offenses against the constitutional order and security in all countries and in all the criminal codes of the states occupy an important place in the special part of the Criminal Codes. Criminal offenses against the constitutional order and security also occupy an important place in the structure of the part especially in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo due to the high danger they present and the consequences they can cause, as well as for these types of criminal offenses in all codes, severe punishments are provided. Criminal offenses that endanger or damage the legal assets of a country or a state, such as: constitutional regulation, independence, territorial integrity, security, etc. represent criminal offenses against constitutional order and security. Criminal offenses against the constitutional order are understood as those acts, actions which are aimed at subverting the constitutional order through illegal actions such as murder, kidnapping, torture, armed uprising, etc. In different countries, these crimes have different designations, such as crimes against the state, against independence and constitutional order, etc. For example, in the Criminal Code of Albania in chapter V, they are designated as crimes against independence and constitutional order. While in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo are named as criminal offenses against the constitutional order and security of the Republic of Kosovo.
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