Measurement of Sentence for the Convicted Person
By the measurement of punishment, we understand the determination of the type and height of the punishment for the perpetrator of the crime criminal, in order to determine the type and measure of punishment that will correspond to the gravity of the offense of the crime committed and the social dangerousness of the perpetrator and with which it would be best achieved the purpose of punishment. It is essential that a criminal offense exists in order to determine the punishment by the court. In addition to the prison sentence and long-term imprisonment, the legislator has also provided for the possibility of the imposition of a fine, in this case the court for the imposition of this type of penaltyit must take into account the financial situation of the perpetrator and especially the amount of income his personal and other income, assets and liabilities. The personal characteristics of the perpetrator are circumstances that affect the court's determination that a will pronounce a sentence, and these are the perpetrator's health condition, family status,age and state of health, employment, profession, etc. By admitting guilt, the perpetrator of the criminal offense shows that he is sorry and that he promises to do so in the future I will not commit a criminal offense that will be considered as a mitigating circumstance, while not admitting guilt shows that the perpetrator did not understand or does not want to understand that he committed an act harmful which is foreseen by law as a criminal offense and at the same time gives indications that he can to repeat the same offense or even to commit other criminal offenses, the circumstance which the court will be taken as an aggravating circumstance.
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